Parents as Teachers (PAT)

Parents as Teachers is an early childhood Evidence-Based Model Program serving expectant parents or parents with children ages prenatal to 5 years who reside in Catoosa County. The Parents as Teachers program is designed to raise awareness of the importance of enhancing school readiness by reaching children during  the crucial years.

The 4 Dynamic Components:

  1. Personal Visits

  2. Group Connections

  3. Resources Networks

  4. Child Screenings.

PAT Goals:

  • Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parent practices

  • provide early detection of developmental delays

  • prevent child abuse

  • increase school readiness and success.

Who does PAT Serve?

  1. Parents and their child ages 0-5

  2. We love working with pregnant Moms and New parents

  3. We love working with families from hard places, facing multiple stressors in the home


During the 2022 school year, Parents As Teachers provided:

  • 60 Catoosa families and 78 Children

  • 730 home visits

  • completed 84% of developmental screenings

  • completed 100% of resource connections

  • 23 monthly group meetings

  • achieved 100% on Parent Goal Setting

  • We currently have 3 Parent Educators on staff

Are you interested in learning more about PAT for your family or someone you know?

Click on the button below to fill out our referral form!